Loan Bank

Mortgages and Loans

Weekly or Bi-Weekly or Monthly Frequency Payment?

   -How much will I pay?
   -How long will I pay?
   -How much can I loan?

This application is helping you as a first-time homebuyer or purchasing a home for investment, the journey to owning a valuable piece of real estate is exciting, and rewarding.
There are many factor when deciding to buy a home, you might want to consider these factors:
   •How soon you’ll be mortgage-free.
   •The total amount of payments you would make over the year.
   •The amount of each payment.
   •The convenience of synchronizing payments with your cash flow.
   •How much you’ll save in interest over the life of your mortgage.
Note: This application is for informational and general illustrative purposes only and may be based on assumptions, dates and projections that may not be correct or applicable


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